Tuesday, January 20, 2009

La playa y la escuela

so its been a few days since I have written. Well we went to the beach on saturday! it was really nice... but it was hot. I'm not going to lie. its very warm down here. Since I burned on Friday I put spf 70 on 3 times which is weird because i never usually where sunscreen. so basically I gained no color from the whole day that I spent in the sun. I was pretty bummed. but ave no fear though... next time I will get a beautiful golden tan. I also saw my first jellyfish. I didn't know what it was and then I felt stupid.

I also have now attended all of my classes that I will have this semester. Its going to be hard. Probably the hardest semester I have ever had. Thank you espanol. and world literature. and latin american studies. and bible. but most of all thank you espanol. I have to audit advanced spanish conversation. that in itself is not bad. it is actually beneficial because I dont speak spanish that well and it will help me around town. The hard part is intermediate spanish 1 and 2 and the Catholic University downtown. Yes, I am an official international student. My class will be entirely in spanish. I had 2 hours of it today and my brain hurts.

Even though my classes are hard I think I will really enjoy them. Except I have alot of reading to do. We also got our calender of events for the semester today and I am pumped. Tomorrow we are going to a soccer game between a Uruguayan club team and a Brazilian club team. Its going to be awesome!

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